The Condition component allows you define the next step of your flow depending on a condicion based on variables, chat session or last received message.
Conditions based on conversation variables
When using a Variable to evaluate the condition you have the following options available:
First Name: First name of the contact as registered in your contacts
Last Name: Last name of the contact as registered in your contacts
Full Name: Full name of the contact as registered in your contacts
Language Code: A two characters code indicating the language detected by 2Chat
Last User Message: Text with the last message received in the conversation
Phone Number: Customer's phone number used to chat
Country Code: Country code related to the phone number
Country Name: Country name related to the phone number
Conditions based on the chat session
When using the a Chat Session to evaluate the condition you have the following options available:
Contact Exists: Allows you to validate if the contact is new or if it's already created in your contacts.
First texted: Useful when you need to execute actions depending on the time of the first text from the user.
Last user message: Text from the last message received by the user
Last user message date: Date and time of the last user message.
Last agent message: Text from the last message sent to the user
Last agent message date: Date and time of the last message sent.
Conditions based on Last Received Message
When using the a Last Received Message to evaluate the condition you have the following options available:
Message time: Message reception time
Message length: Returns the length of the last message
Content: Text from the las message
Has media: True if it has video or image and False if it doesn't
Has text: True if the last message is text, False if it doesn't
Has sticker: True if the last message is a sticker, False if it doesn't
Is Audio: True if the last message is an audio, False if it doesn't
About condition comparisons
Depending on the variable data type you can use different comparisons.
Date can use the following operators
In the last
Not in the last
Time can use the following operators to enable the condition depending on the time range that will apply. For example, Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. The time zone is the one of your number connected to 2Chat.
Inside time range
Outside time range
Text can use the following operators
Doesn't equal
Doesn't contain
Starts with
Doesn't start with
Ends with
Doesn't end with
Number can use the following operators
Doesn't equal
Greater than
Less than
True/False can use the following operators